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Month: February 2016

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Le Aziende…


Qual’è la migliore scelta strategica per le aziende oggi? I dati dicono che è più importante essere il ” player” dominante in segmenti specifici piuttosto che avere la predominanza su scala globale. Addirittura sono da valorizzare i risultati locali. Probabilmente sono strategie meno spettacolari, ma molto più importanti e quelle che danno i migliori risultati.


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Raffel Pages – España
Opulence Collection

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Raffel PagesRaffel PagesRaffel Pages

Vamos a dejar atrás toda norma hasta el punto de alterar todos los códigos establecidos… por fin llega la liberación!!! El futuro se está moviendo entre la pasión y la emoción… no hay límites!! La opulencia entra en escena, la conquista del placer, el culto a la belleza, el glamour que renace en los clásicos, en un nuevo barroco lleno de sensualidad, en códigos burgueses que vuelven a brillar… esplendor, sensualidad, misterio… déjate llevar por esta exagerada feminidad y el deseo de seducir! Los cabellos se rigen por volúmenes audaces y equilibrados. Recogidos muy elaborados y altos, siempre para potenciar esta estética desbordada de refinamiento y seducción. El maquillaje se inspira en los colores de pigmentos saturados como los malvas, rojizos y los falsos negros, pero siempre mezclados con toques dorados. Los ojos son intensos y las cejas y los labios acentuados en una elaborada aplicación.

Hair: Raffel Pages – España
Collection: Opulence
Ph: David Arnal @ Raffel Pages
Make-up: Alba Pesas @ Raffel Pages



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Haute Coiffure Française – Paris: the show

Here some pictures from the event by Haute Coiffure Française that was held in Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, in February 2016.

A combination of hair and fashion. A hairstyle for the catwalk followed by the Fred Sathal fashion show. Fred Sathal, designer and visual artist, whose work embodies various identities, in which she officiates for haute couture, stage arts and contemporary art. She works on materials and fabrics, moving them from their reality, in a plastic approach, rich of inventions, flamboyance, detachment from dogmas and all sorts of established manners, her works carries the value of being free. Very noticed in the world of haute couture, Fred Sathal produces unique pieces, real pieces of art. For this, she uses manipulations, procedures she invents and develops through an alchemy only her has the secret.

Sexy chic glamour, monochromatic, optical illusion. Each hairstylist presents three models, one for each theme. The modern woman who loves to shop, the woman straight off the front page of a magazine and the avant-garde woman who’s at the very forefront of fashion.
Realized by Eric Zemmour (sexy chic glamour), Jérémy Blanc (monochromatic) and Sophie Bauçais (optical illusion).


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Emiliano Vitale @ é SALON – AU
Fluidity Collection

Emiliano Vitale @ é SALONEmiliano Vitale @ é SALONEmiliano Vitale @ é SALON

Emiliano Vitale @ é SALONEmiliano Vitale @ é SALONEmiliano Vitale @ é SALON

Inspiration: “TIME: I am fascinated by the constant that is time. It never stands still. By the point we regard a moment – an incident, feeling etc – it passes, no longer the present, now a memory. Time is constant – regardless of fame and fortune, we all age at the same rate – yet we each hold a unique perception of time. So I questioned, ‘what does time look like, if it was an image, what would it be?’ TRAVEL: Meaning to proceed or advance in any way, I was inspired by travel and its relationship with time. In order to travel forward we must understand the past. I looked to The Firefly from 1978 and imagined ‘if The Firefly timetravelled to the present, what would it look like in today’s world?’ TEXTURE: Each look was to have its own unique movement and texture. Movement, texture and travel – I was inspired by feathers, their flight, and aimed to create this with hair. Tapestry and Puckering aided as textural variations. TRIBE: Meaning ‘a social division of people defined in terms of common descent, territory and culture,’ Tribe is a word that strongly resonates with this stage of my life – its current projects, people, feelings and events. I gather endless inspiration from African tribes – the natural textures and textiles used in the creation of headpieces and accessories. MAKEUP: Flawless skin that appears almost immortal, not unlike time itself. Fierce contouring for a combination of strength and enhancement of individual features. Just enough shadowing to accentuate the eyes – careful not to distort their natural shape; their identity. A nude lip for an element of natural beauty. FASHION: Bare skin emphasizes a tribal theme – paired with a selection of key accessories to communicate the essence of woman. An otherwise black and silver-grey palette of elaborate, statement pieces defines the collection – reflective textures and embellishment that illuminate and reflect the heart of inspiration. PHOTOGRAPHIC EFFECT: We elected to capture select images with a subtle blur to translate the notion of time and movement, giving an otherworldly effect.”

Hair: Emiliano Vitale @ é SALON – AU
Collection: Fluidity
Ph: Robert Lobetta
Make-up: Chereine Waddell
Styling: Fleur Egan
Salon: é SALON



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I BRAND offrono più servizi

I BRAND offrono più servizi

Oggi, più che in passato, molti brand di prodotti tra i più conosciuti allargano l’offerta dei servizi correlati (es. dimostrazioni, meeting, etc. ) . I vantaggi sono la possibilità di differenziarsi dalla concorrenza offrendo un valore aggiunto per mostrare le performance dei prodotti, ma anche comunicare con il proprio pubblico e avvicinarsi al parrucchiere facendolo sentire supportato nel suo lavoro.

È una tendenza importante che si sta affermando e che si collega innanzitutto alla necessità di esser presenti nei punti e nelle situazioni in cui c’è l’utilizzo del prodotto e mostrarne le funzionalità. Si tratta di andare oltre la solita informazione tecnica verbale o pubblicitaria e di offrire una dimostrazione effettiva interagendo direttamente con il parrucchiere.



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