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Haute Coiffure Française – Paris: the show

25 Feb, 2016

Here some pictures from the event by Haute Coiffure Française that was held in Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, in February 2016.

A combination of hair and fashion. A hairstyle for the catwalk followed by the Fred Sathal fashion show. Fred Sathal, designer and visual artist, whose work embodies various identities, in which she officiates for haute couture, stage arts and contemporary art. She works on materials and fabrics, moving them from their reality, in a plastic approach, rich of inventions, flamboyance, detachment from dogmas and all sorts of established manners, her works carries the value of being free. Very noticed in the world of haute couture, Fred Sathal produces unique pieces, real pieces of art. For this, she uses manipulations, procedures she invents and develops through an alchemy only her has the secret.

Sexy chic glamour, monochromatic, optical illusion. Each hairstylist presents three models, one for each theme. The modern woman who loves to shop, the woman straight off the front page of a magazine and the avant-garde woman who’s at the very forefront of fashion.
Realized by Eric Zemmour (sexy chic glamour), Jérémy Blanc (monochromatic) and Sophie Bauçais (optical illusion).

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