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KATE DRURY (UK) ❤️ GET THE LOOK – THE WOLF (4 photos) – New Hair Collection

20 Dec, 2021

Kate describes how to get the look

  1. Comb through all the hair, take a triangular fringe section and part down the centre. Starting on one side, over-direct the section to the opposite side and razor from short to long. This will create the guideline for the rest of the frame.
  2. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Cut an A-line perimeter using a razor for a soft and textured end.
  4. To create separation and added texture, take 1” sections throughout and twist-razor cut or point cut in alternating directions.
  5. Create long, soft layers working at 90-degrees and slicing. To maintain length, only remove the corners.
  6. Blast hair upside down with a hairdryer for an undone look before adding extra texture on dry hair.
  7. Go back into the fringe section and slice into it with the razor, adding more choppiness and texture. Work from the centre out to the sides to direct and push the hair away from the face.

Make-up: Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Photographs: Richard Miles


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