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Pelsynera ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), LINE_____ (5 photos) New Hair Collection

31 Mar, 2021

Line is a collection full of intermittent styles, a collection where the lines are the focal point of inspiration.  Through them we have created shapes and depth, and by playing with different definitions we were able to produce geometric images, some very noticeable and others of a gentler aspect.
Purity and precision mark the antechamber of the collection.
Any similarity to reality is pure fiction.

Hair: Pelsynera
Hair Instagram @Pelsynera
Photographer: Oliver Viladoms studio
Photographer Instagram @Oliver_viladoms_studio
Retouch: Oliver Viladoms studio @Oliver_viladoms_studio
MUA: Pelsynera
MUA Instagram @Pelsynera
Stylist: Laura García Baena
Stylist Instagram @Baenlauragarcia


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