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Hairstylist: Allen Ruiz Team @ Ruiz Salon – UK, Curfew Collection (5 Photos) New Hair Collections

27 Feb, 2019

Allen Ruiz Team


Curfew Collection is a retro nod to the decadent debauchery of New York City’s club scene in the late 80s, early 90s. Think Limelight, Palladium and Tunnel when hanging-out outside the club was cooler than being inside. This collection may be a little darker and moodier than the cool clubbers of that time, but the asymmetric shapes, braids and fades enhanced by infrared and electric blue lighting remain true to the vibe.

Collection: Curfew
Ph: Cody Kinsfather
Make-up: Walter Fuentes
Stylist: Ernesto Sierra
Creative Director: Allen Ruiz


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