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Make-up trends in America

24 May, 2017

make up trends in america

The trend in the American cosmetics market is towards natural beauty. According to a study by the Mintel market-research agency, 54 % of Millennials prefer a natural look.

This puts them just behind the average of all American beauty consumers (59 %). However, the preference for a natural look should not be confused with the no make-up trend with only very few women wanting to go completely without make-up. In this connection, 71 % of Millennials say that they are most likely to wear a natural make-up look. By comparison, the figure for female consumers overall is 68 %.

As Mintel says, almost half (46 %) of young American women say they feel more confident when they spend time on their appearance and 20 % say they always feel pressure to look good. Nevertheless, 40 % consider that it is fine to not always be perfectly styled. For over a third of Millennials (36 %), their appearance is a form of self-expression.

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