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Perry Patraszewski, Andi Hinterigger, Bradley Stratton and Pont Smith, Blue Tit London – UK, Desert Space Collection ( 4 photos)

28 Apr, 2017

“This collection was a chance for the Blue Tit team to express themselves individually. Inspired by the apocalypse, hair, colour and styling is representative of unbearable heat, arid landscapes and destruction, resulting in a collection that is both earthy and otherworldly. Colour is created using Blue Tit’s ‘Miraging’ technique – a blending of bold or contrasting colour patterns within the hair, concealing them with a veil of a natural base created by taking a section around the parting, using it to conceal or ‘mirage’ the colours underneath.” Perry Patraszewski, Andi Hinterigger, Bradley Stratton and Pont Smith, Blue Tit London

HAIR: Perry Patraszewski, Andi Hinterigger, Bradley Stratton and Pont Smith,
Blue Tit London – UK
Collection: Desert Space
Ph: Max Oppehiem
Make-up: Nicky Tavilla
Styling: Claudia Behnke
Colour: Harriet Muldoon


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