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Emiliano & Lisa Vitale @ é SALON – AU, Sinuous Collection

24 Nov, 2016

INSPIRATION: The main inspiration for me was a movie I watched when I was 19. Nouvo Cinema Paradiso – The plot was set a few years after World War II. A Six-year-old boy Salvatore is the mischievous, intelligent son of a war widow. He discovers a love for films and spends every free moment at the movie house, Cinema Paradiso. Although they initially start off on tense terms, he develops a friendship with the fatherly projectionist, Alfredo, who takes a shine to the young boy and often lets him watch movies from the projection booth. During the shows, the audience can be heard booing when there are missing sections, causing the films to suddenly jump, bypassing a critical romantic kiss or embrace. The local priest had ordered these sections censored, and the deleted scenes are piled on the projection room floor. 40 years later and after the death of his mentor, Salvatore is given an unlabeled reel. He watches Alfredo’s reel and discovers that it comprises a very special montage. It contains all of the romantic scenes the priest had ordered cut from movies; Alfredo had spliced the sequences together to form a single film. Translated here through classic black and white, a sense of romanticism, provocation and freedom through hair design.

HAIR: Emiliano & Lisa Vitale @ é SALON – AU
Collection: Sinuous
Ph: Paul Scala
Make-up: Chereine Waddell
Styling: Jonathan Ailwood


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