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RUSH HAIR – UK: new opportunity for hairdressers

22 Nov, 2016


2017, heralds a new opportunity for hairdressers from all over the world to hone their skills and develop their creativity as the new Rush Academy opens in the heart of Covent Garden, London.

For over 20 years, Rush have pushed the boundaries of ingenuity, producing inspirational and ground-breaking award winning photographic collections backed up by producing creative techniques in cutting, colouring and styling hair.

The Rush Academy will share with attendees, their philosophy of strength and movement along with hosting an array of courses suitable for all, from fledgling hairdressers to the most innovative creative stylist or colour technician.

The team at the new academy will be led by the best in the business, Rush International Artistic Director, Andy Heasman, Rush International Colour Director, Chris Williams and Rush Editorial Director, Tina Farey. All three individuals are part of the extensive Rush Artistic Team who have developed and created each of the courses provided to all students attending the Rush Academy.

There’s something for everyone at the new academy, with a comprehensive programme ranging from one-day courses in cutting, colour and editorial work to a six-month beginners course and everything else in between.

The last word must go to Rush co-founders, Andy Phouli and Stell Andrew, “When we opened our first Rush salon, we dreamed of opening a training academy to share with other hairdressers our passion, ideas, inspiration and philosophy. Our dream has now become a reality and we are delighted to welcome hairdressers from around the world into the Rush Academy to provide them with the highest standards of hairdressing education available in a state of the art environment which encourages creativity.”

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