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Allilon – UK
The Mane Collection

24 Jun, 2015




The Alillon Education Art Team has unveiled The Mane collection, which draws inspiration from photographer Tim Flach, renowned for his highly conceptual portraits of animals. Flach is the author of Equus, a comprehensive photographic study of horses that captures different breeds in both in their natural habitat and the studio.
“For The Mane collection we were hugely inspired by Equus, which clearly documents that each breed of horse has a truly unique body form as well as different densities and textures within their coats and manes. The habitat in which these amazing creatures live has a direct effect on the evolution of their bodies and hair. This has a huge resemblance to humans and the effect that ethnic backgrounds have on our hair movements and head shapes.”

Hair: Allilon – UK
Collection: The Mane
Ph: Norman and Amanda at Jenny & Lee
Make-up: Damien Wolf at DWMakeup-art.com

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