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UK Hair Council meet Prime Minister

22 Apr, 2015


As part of their ongoing campaign for mandatory state registration, the Hair Council were honoured to visit 10 Downing Street and meet with Prime Minister, Rt Hon. David Cameron MP, and his special adviser.This is the first time in 50 years that a Prime Minister has met with representatives from the Hair Council.

Sally Styles, CEO and Registrar said: “The Prime Minister was extremely interested to hear about our work, and progress towards mandatory registration. He clearly has a great deal of respect and admiration for the hair industry and we were honoured to meet him.” The delegation from the Hair Council included Shirley Davis-Fox MBE – Political Lobbyist and Political Ambassador Lino Carbosiero MBE, who is Mr Cameron’s hairdresser. The delegation met with Daniel Korski, Special Adviser to David Cameron on Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. The Hair Council explained the logic behind state registration and outlined the significant achievements of the Council over the last year, which have included full costings and plans as to how registration will work in practice, and regular communications to members. Lynda Whitehorn SRH, Chair of the Hair Council said: “Over the last year, we have made significant strides in the drive towards state registration. Our meetings in Downing Street show just how far we have come. However, we know that there is a long journey ahead and we will continue to work hard to achieve the professional status that the UK’s hairdressers deserve through mandatory state registration.”

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