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Serbia, Rebellion Collection

26 Jan, 2012

Rebellion Collection
It is the time when we all feel an urge for a rebellion. We dream about dramatic turnover, but we can’t recognize any idea to submit. Hippy and Punk might be the last genuine Rebellions, and today, we keep our rebellions deep inside, and our hair has to allow a humbly show in any Government building, if needed. But at the same time, we need just one bit of a moment for remodeling… into sexy, or punk… or both!
Milica Maksimovic Milica Maksimovic Milica Maksimovic
Hair: Milica Maksimovic -Shishalica
Make Up: Ana Mitrovic
Photo and retouching: Jelena Radosavljevic
Text : Slobodan Stojic
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