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Carmelo ZAMMITTO show us
MOTO GP Fashion Event

27 Apr, 2011

Pictures from the MOTO GP fashion Event
The Event, which took place a Club Royale, Boston, on 1th April 2011,
was directed and coordinated by CARMELO ZAMMITTO.
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MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event
MoTo GP Fashion event MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event
MoTo GP Fashion event MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event
MoTo GP Fashion event MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event

MoTo GP Fashion event
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