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KÉRASKIN Esthetics: H3

31 Mar, 2011

Kéraskin Esthetics
In the virtual world, you can play with your personality and choose the image you want to convey. You are the master of your own image: as a chameleon, you can change the look as often as you want, always keeping your personality. That is the inspiration of the new collection H3 2011: Amplified ID. Discover the 15 H3 look created by the team to awaken and express all facets of your personality.
H3 H3 H3
H3 H3 H3
H3 H3 H3
H3 H3 H3
H3 H3 H3
Hair by:
Peter Vonkunz
Steve Rowbottom
Carlos Gago
Christine Margossian
Michael Del Bianco
Nick Williams
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