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30 Apr, 2008

TONI&GUY’s Kaizen Spring/Summer collection
debuts in China!

The Internationally renowned TONI&GUY Art Team traveled over 5000 miles to join their Northern China colleagues to present the TONI&GUY’s educational collection Kaizen, to packed audiences at fashion hot-spot 798 Art District during China Fashion Week.
True to form, the team created motivating and inspiring hair that encapsulated the latest in editorial and fantasy hair.
The Art Team also demonstrated their expert presenting skills with an astounding show.

With a healthy obsession for education, the show was followed up with a two day look and learn seminar so the unique style of teaching could be shared with hundreds of inspired hairdressers. Once again, TONI&GUY prove they are at the forefront of hairdressing, with talent and creativity driving the global success of the brand.

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